“Singing in the Rain” is a musical produced by the students in McIntosh theater and any other students at McIntosh who wanted to partake in it. The musical opened March 7 and runs March 8 and 9 at 7 PM in the McIntosh High School auditorium.
Brady Dunn is a senior and this is his third musical at MHS. Dunn is a tenor in the production.
“This is the first time I’ve ever had my own number, and it was very nerve-wracking to put it all together. I was nervous on opening night, but everything went all right,” Dunn said.

According to an article in The Atlantic, “Why Singin’ in the Rain Is an Almost Perfect Musical,” “Singing in the Rain has a little something for everyone: it contains comedy, romance, history and music. ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ gives an audience the elements necessary for a good musical: carefully established reality and unreality, with smooth transitions between them.”
Senior August Moss is the show’s co-director.
“I thought that my actors did a very good job [on opening night]. There were a couple technical issues but I still think that everyone did very well,” said co-director and senior August Moss.
Student tickets are $10 and adult tickets are $15. Tickets at the door are cash only, but digital tickets can be purchased at mcintosh.tix.page.
In addition to ticket sales, the program is trying new fundraising.
“We are doing a fundraiser selling socks,” said Moss. “We are also selling buttons, shirts and fanograms [which are] a piece of candy you can buy send to a cast member.” Funds go to lumber, costumes, props and food for the cast and crew.

“People should come see the show because we put in a lot of hard work and this was a very difficult show to put on. There are 32 set changes and the amount of effort that goes into 32 set changes and 12 different sets is more than enough to convince someone to go.”