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She’s creepy, and she’s kooky, mysterious, and spooky, she’s Wednesday Addams
Netflix's "Wednesday" is worth a watch
Editors’s Note: This article contains spoilers.
“Wednesday” is a new Netflix original series based on the popular Addams Family franchise. The show brings a focus on Wednesday Addams in her adventures at Nevermore Academy, a school for outcasts. During the first episode, “Wednesday’s Child Is Full of Woe,” Wednesday moves to a different school full of strange people, like werewolves, sirens and Medusa-like creatures. While in this school, she meets lots of people, few friends such as her roommate Enid Sinclair and coffee worker Tyler Galpin and enemies like Bianca Barclay. Meanwhile, in the town of Jericho, Vermont, there have been mysterious unexplainable murders in the woods from who knows what. But it’s not until later that we find out it’s definitely not human or animal.
The second episode, “Woe is Loneliest Number,” begins with Wednesday in the woods with a picture in her hand, and Rowan supposedly dead. But when Wednesday brings the cops over, nobody. Later that week, students see Rowan walking across the halls very much alive. And is expelled from Nevermore Academy, making everyone think that Wednesday is dilutional. Even Principal Larissa Weems insists that Rowan just ran away. Wednesday’s roommate Enid, the school gossip expert, reports that Rowan’s deal was “being a weird loner” and that Xavier is his roommate. Meanwhile, she explains to Wednesday that she is preparing for the Poe Cup where each dorm makes a canoe, and costumes inspired by an Edgar Allan Poe poem. The goal of the cup is to race your canoe to an island, grab your flag and return the quickest. There are no rules to the game, which means that Bianca wins every year. When Wednesday is put into study carnivorous plants with teacher Ms. Thornhill, it’s no surprise to anyone that Wednesday is completely dominating the class, including Bianca.
Eventually, Wednesday finds her a clue, Rowan’s glasses, and is smacked with another vision: Xavier yelling, Rowan moving the gargoyle, and a book about something called the Nightshade Society. So one day, Wednesday heads over to the school library, where she is found by Ms. Thornhill. Who is very glad to see someone here to find books rather than just make out. Strange enough, Ms. Thornhill is a normal person and the school’s only normal teacher. In time, comes the day of the Poe Cup, and as you would predict Bianca sabotages the other racers. But with Wednesday being Wednesday, she has a few tricks up her sleeve, and has yet another vision where she meets a blonde version of herself telling her, “You are the key.” As luck would have it, the Black Cats win.
This show is definitely worth a watch if you’re into comedy, horror and especially the Addams Family. And the people who worked on this really nailed the cinematography with excellent visuals. “Wednesday” received a “72%” on Rotten Tomatoes, and a “8.5/10” on IMDb.