Stunning Student Artwork From First 9 Weeks

Junior Lucy Stone said, “While graphic design does not necessarily require artistic ability, success does come from artistic thinking. The environment in graphics is fun, accepting, and full of creativity, and I enjoy having a stress free hour in my schedule where I can create what I want.”

Sylvie Call, A & E Editor

Artwork by Alexia Benavent-Rivera
Senior Alexia Benavent-Rivera is in her second year of AP art, hoping to pursue a career in art. Using graphite on pastel blue paper, Benavent-Rivera drew her grandfather’s typewriter. The assignment was given over the summer to draw a tool; she said, “The typewriter was something my grandfather used as a tool when he practiced medicine in Puerto Rico and I felt a connection to it even though I never saw him use it. The note attached to the typewriter was something my grandfather tied to my father before he (my father) went out with my great uncle for the first time, my father was 5 at the time, and the note basically said ‘If found return to Dr. Carlyle Benavent.’ My dad keeps the note with the typewriter as a memory of my grandfather so I thought it was important to incorporate the note with the piece.”
Artwork by Alexandria Lamoureux
Sophomore Alexandria Lamoureux is in her second year of graphic design. She took the class as she hopes to go into the graphic design field in the future. Alexandria said, “I believe this class is an art class because the main goal is to create a piece of work that will be displayed to the world, just like traditional art on paper. My favorite part of the class is the ability to express myself through the art I create.”


Artwork by Jessica Zemp
Senior Jessica Zemp is in her second year of AP art. She has taken an art class every year at McIntosh, but she especially enjoys “the challenges AP art offers as a creative class because it pushes you to think originally and take risks in art.” Her piece is based off of an admittedly weird childhood memory. She said, “I like the creational aspect of art. Art is all about creating and making whatever you feel like; there is no limit to what you can make or how you make it.”
Artwork by Katie Dodgen
Junior Katie Dodgen is in her first year of AP art, taking the class because she “wants to take every opportunity to further [her] artistic talents.” She used coffee to create the image of a bee on a poster board, whose size allowed her to create excessive detail with the art. Katie loves using coffee as an art medium, painting close-ups, and “happen to think bees are really cute,” so the art project involving coffee was a perfect assignment for her.
Artwork by Stephanie Vite
Senior Stephanie Vite created her abstract piece by dripping paint, fulfilling the assignment requirement to “take risks” by using a technique that would allow her to give up control by not using a paintbrush.
Artwork by Taurie Gray
Sophomore Taurie Gray is in her second year of graphic design.
Artwork by CassiDee Rotolo
Junior Cassidee Rotolo is in her second year of graphic design. She said, “I believe graphic design is an art because it is a form of creating something beautiful. Taking graphic design has given me insight on how difficult, yet creative this class is. My favorite part of the class is being able to create a piece of art without having any boundaries.”
Artwork by Lucy Stone
Junior Lucy Stone said, “While graphic design does not necessarily require artistic ability, success does come from artistic thinking. The environment in graphics is fun, accepting, and full of creativity, and I enjoy having a stress free hour in my schedule where I can create what I want.”
Artwork by Corey Rotolo
Junior Corey Rotolo is in his second year of graphic design. He decided to take the class as he has always had a passion for film and graphic arts. Corey said, “Graphic Design is an art class because we use similar elements of design as other art classes. Rather than hand drawn art, we make digital art.”