“Radium Girls” cast begins rehearsals

Tynan Fortune

Junior Tynan Fortune designed the poster for the upcoming spring play.

Samuel Ellis, Staff Writer

The McIntosh drama department began rehearsals for the spring play “Radium Girls” on March 6. Directed by seniors Jacob Mewborn and Audrey Landrum and stage managed by senior Sophie Roggermeier, the play will have two showings on April 14 and 15.  

The play follows the story of women working at U.S. Radium Corp. and their court case against the company after many fall ill from radiation poisoning. The cast is comprised of twenty-two McIntosh students ranging from freshmen to seniors involved in McIntosh theater.

Audrey Landrum said, “I’m super excited to be working on this emotional, enjoyable play with a great cast and co-director.”