Students dislike rolling chairs

Students complain about new science chairs.

Tyler Baccarny

Students complain about new science chairs.

Tyler Baccarny, Staff Writer

McIntosh High School and the county purchased rolling chairs last school year for the science department. Some of the chairs do not have a desktop attached while others do. These new chairs, however, have three issues: they are uncomfortable, left handed people struggle to use them and they roll. The chairs are generally uncomfortable. They have a flat seat which hurts when a person sits up straight, so students tend to lean on the desktop. If a person is left handed and tries to use the desktop to write, the desktop moves out from his arm as he tries to write. Finally, giving high school students chairs with wheels is generally not a good idea. High school students are always moving and twitching, and the constant rolling of the wheels makes unnecessary noise. Senior Branden Ben-Hannania said, “The room is filled with squeaking, and I can’t concentrate in classes with rolling black chairs.”