Students offered opportunity to sell prom dresses on website
Sydney Horne
A group of senior girls take photographs together before boarding the party bus for prom last year.
Feb 19, 2015
Students who wish to sell last year’s prom dresses may place ads on this website.
A student may purchase an online ad for only $10. The ad will run until prom.
Advertisement Details:
Students must include the following information in their emails to [email protected]:
Name, grade level, and fourth period class
Color photograph(s) of dress (jpg format)
Size of dress
Asking price
Contact information for interested students
(Email the above information to [email protected] or go by room 215 before or after school.)
Payment Information:
Cost is $10 per ad; one dress per ad. All ads must be pre-paid by check or cash. (Please make checks payable to MHS Trail.)